A screenshot of an image processor

Photo Editor

An interactive GUI-based photo editing application built using Java. This program allows for image manipulation in the form of flipping, grayscale, brightening, blurring, sharpening, and sepia.

Developer Certification

FreeCodeCamp's web design course taught me intermediate HTML and CSS skills including page layouts, embedding content, applied accessibility, animations, positioning, and typography.

A screenshot of stunner exchange website

Stunner Exchange

React-based e-commerce site with third-party clothing API, buyer/seller profiles, authentication, saved items, and personalized recommendations.

A video of marble solitaire being played

Marble Solitaire

Traditionally, marble solitaire is a board game played by a single player. The game involves moving pegs on a game board with holes. This text-based program takes in the type of solitaire (English, European, or Triangular) and/or the dimension and/or the empty coordinate in the form of command arguments.

a video of flood-it being played


A rendition of the popular game "filler" built using Java. The objective of Flood-It is to continue to click cells in hopes of filling the board with a single color. The program is customizable, thus players have the option to change board size and number of available clicks.